
Learn how to contribute to Remède !

How to contribute

To contribute, you can:

  • Open an issue (here)
  • Choose an issue, fork the repository, resolve it and open a pull request ! (complete guide)
  • Contact us to become part of our team (
    • So you’ll have access to this repository


  1. Open or choose an issue on our issue page
  2. Fork and clone the repository on your computer
  3. Read the documentation, and contact us for more informations (at
  4. Make your changes, and separate your work in multiple commits
  5. Open a pull request
  6. Wait and make requested changes
  7. You’re now a contributor ! Thank you very much !

Add words

Remède fetches words from the Wictionary but sometimes, words are not in our list so, you can add custom words…

  1. Add it to data/IPA.txt
    1. In alphabetic order, add your word with the following schema word\t/phonetic/ (\t represents a TAB char, not spaces)
  2. Add it to data/custom_words.json, if necessary
    1. Check on the french Wictionary if your word exist.
    2. If it does not exist, fill his document manually in the data/custom_words.json. Don’t forget to quote your sources in the credits field.
  3. Before making a PR, rebuild ressources (so your word will be added next time database is built)
    1. Run python3 scripts/, if it outputs an error, check the previous steps…

Check also Building database - About - Quickly add a word

Add sheets

Remède needs contributors who can add sheets !

You can find a documentation about writting sheets here


You can browse the documentation on the left-side menu. Do not hesitate to contact me us at for more information.