
Remède is translated in multiple languages ! Let’s learn how to translate Remède !

Remède has introduced a translation system since 1.3.0. Remède uses i18n for Vue as a translation system.


The translations by languages are inside the app/src/data/translations/[locale].json.

For example, en.json (section “home”)

    "home": {
        "wordOfDay": "Word of day",
        "randomWord": "Random word",
        "myBookmarks": "My bookmarks",
        "forYou": "For you",
        "seeAll": "See all",
        "askToAddAWord": "Ask to add a word",
        "report": "Report",
        "searchWord": "Search a word...",
        "changelog": "Changelog"

You can see that there are multiple translation in english.

Add a language

  1. Add his app/src/data/translations/[locale].json file
  2. Define it in app/src/i18n.ts
import yourNewLanguageTranslations from "@/data/translations/en.json"

const globalizationList = {
    fr: frenchTranslations,
    en: englishTranslations,
    yourLocale: yourNewLanguageTranslations

  1. Define your language name in app/src/functions/locales.ts
const locales = {
    en: "English",
    fr: "Français",
    yourLocale: "New language",
    dialects: {
        en: [

If your language has specific dialects for the correction service, add its dialects… See Languagetool API documentation, the field “language” in the check function.

And you’re done !

And about the database ?

Remède serve a French database, but we are working on internationalization of the database.

How it works ? We re-use as many code as possible across generation scripts and uses different scrapping services to build our databases.

To serve multiple databases, we define it inside

def root():
    return {
        "version": version,
        "message": "Check /docs for documentation",
        "dataset": DATASET,
        "hash": DATASET,
        "total": entities,
        "dictionnaires": {
            # Default dictionary
            "remede": {
                "nom": "Remède (FR) ~500Mb",
                "slug": "remede",
                "hash": DATASET
            # Wow ! We are just serving a new dictionary
            "remede.en": {
                "nom": "Remède (EN)"

See Database Internationalization docs for more information about a specific language.